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ObfusCat Announces the Ultimate Code Privacy Solution for ChatGPT Users

As AI-powered code completion models revolutionize the software development landscape, data privacy and intellectual property rights remain top concerns for developers sharing their code with third-party services like ChatGPT. Enter ObfusCat, the innovative brainchild of computer science and security expert Pavlo Shyrinskykh, designed to address these pressing issues.

ObfusCat’s proprietary algorithm effectively masks the semantic context of private code while preserving syntax, ensuring ChatGPT can deliver accurate results without exposing sensitive data. By performing all masking and unmasking operations locally on the developer’s machine, ObfusCat successfully secures the original code.

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While OpenAI recently rolled out a feature to disable chat history in ChatGPT, retaining conversations for a mere 30 days for abuse monitoring before permanent deletion, it’s crucial to note that OpenAI still saves all user data during this time frame. In contrast, ObfusCat’s zero-knowledge approach allows users to send prompts using their own API keys, guaranteeing complete c**************.

ObfusCat for Business offers additional benefits, including:

An embedded Curated Secrets List, assuring compliance with legal guidelines and helping developers adhere to their legal department’s directives.
Focused Prompts, which restrict corporate API keys to coding tasks, detecting and soft-rejecting non-coding requests.

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Exclusive a la carte features customized for corporate accounts.

App version 1.3.4 supports a broad range of programming languages, such as Swift, JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, C++, Kotlin, C#, Objective-C, Java, Go, Python, and PHP.

With ambitious plans to incorporate ChatGPT’s code-savvy rivals into the app soon, the ObfusCat team aims to enable users to cross-check between GPT models directly within the app, ensuring the most efficient code solutions

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