Periscope Data Brings Python, R and SQL Together For The First Time, For Faster, More Powerful Data Analysis
Allows Data Professionals to Do More Valuable Analysis in a Fraction of the Time
Periscope Data announced new features enabling data professionals to work with Python, R and SQL together all on a single platform. Data teams will now be able to complete far more analysis in less time by transforming data in SQL, performing complex statistical analyses in Python or R, then visualizing, collaborating and reporting on the results — all without leaving Periscope Data’s powerful and fast analytics platform.
“The massive explosion of data, with more than 90 percent of the world’s data created in the past two years1, continues to create challenges that cause data teams to be strapped for time. At the same time, they are being asked to graduate to new levels of sophistication and complexity with their data analysis,” said Harry Glaser, co-founder and CEO of Periscope Data. “The addition of Python and R support to our Unified Data Platform gives our customers a unique combination of tools – from machine learning to natural language processing to predictive analytics, analysts will be able to answer new questions that have yet to be explored.”
With nearly 1000 data teams across the globe using its platform to drive measurable results for their businesses, Periscope Data has provided a single source of truth for data professionals and their teams. Previously, many analysts had to build on their analysis outside the Periscope platform with additional manipulation of data using Python and R. Today’s integration removes the tedious process of constantly switching back and forth between tools and allows analysts to get to their value-driving insights quickly.
“Periscope Data has helped us quickly bring together multiple data sources and make our complex data corpus accessible across teams,” says Scotty Huhn, Data Scientist at Crisis Text Line. “We’re excited about the addition of Python functionality to Periscope Data, as it will help us take on more complex analysis and natural language processing within a single platform.” To learn more about how Crisis Text Line is using Periscope Data and Python together to prioritize its crisis responses and understand data trends, sign up to join us for a webinar with Crisis Text Line at 10 a.m. on February 27.
The addition of Python and R support in Periscope Data offers many benefits to enhance the workflows for data teams, including:
- Eliminate Switching Between Tools. Users can seamlessly switch between querying data in SQL and analyzing in Python or R within the same development environment. Data professionals will be able to modify their datasets, improve their models and update their visualizations from a single location, dramatically reducing the time between raw data collection and business changing insights.
- Ensure Accurate Insights with Data in One Place. Instead of dealing with outdated or inconsistent data when sharing with other teams, Periscope Data joins data together from various company databases together on one platform, providing a single source of truth for data across an organization. This ensures that the data needed to perform analytics and modeling is always accessible and up-to-date — and that no insight is goes undiscovered because of data silos.
- Perform Predictive Analytics. Leveraging the Python and R libraries they are already familiar with, analysts can move beyond historical reporting to modeling predictions. From lead scoring to churn prediction to estimating growth, businesses can now gain incredible insight into the future of their business.
- Visualize Analysis with Ease. Data teams can leverage Periscope’s extensive visualization and collaboration capabilities to make the most of their powerful analysis. Users can easily visualize using Python libraries or R packages, or use Periscope’s native, interactive charting options. Shared dashboards are always up-to-date and interactive, so end users can explore on their own.
- Collaborate Efficiently with Teams: With all of your team’s analyses in a central location, you’ll ensure your insights are consistent, secure and free of version-control issues. Periscope Data enables you to provide your team members with read and write access when needed.
- Address Data Security Concerns. With the integration of Python, R and SQL, data professionals can run and share all models on Periscope Data’s secure and compliant platform, instead of relying on disjointed sets of open source tools. Periscope Data is both HIPAA and SOC2 compliant, and performs its own internal audits at regular intervals to ensure ongoing compliance.
Support for Python and R capabilities will be available to all Periscope Data customers in the coming weeks. To learn more about Periscope Data or to request early access to these features, please contact our team for more information.
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