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Near Launches Pinnacle, Providing I****** Human Movement Insights

Near, a global, full-stack data intelligence software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that stitches and enriches data on people and places announced the official launch of Near Pinnacle, an extension of the platform that provides i****** human movement insights in an intuitive visual user interface (UI). Near Pinnacle’s formal launch follows an in-depth Early Adopter Program (EAP) with 15 Near customers. Near Pinnacle’s i****** data visualizations are available in the US, CanadaAustralia, and New Zealand.

The completion of the EAP and launch of Near Pinnacle is Near’s most powerful application of sources of intelligence on people, places, and products. The product makes Near’s powerful global data sets and place-based data insights easy to access, understand, download, and share to drive business decisions.

“Near’s data insights allow me to conduct site evaluations using near real-time, robust, and great quality data,” said John McClelland, Vice President of Research at Coldwell Banker. “The intuitive charts, maps, and searchable historic data establish me as a market leader and adopter of cutting-edge technology. In today’s landscape, one cannot ask a client to solely trust a hunch, but with Near’s data, I am able to validate my decades of experience, build a w****** case and develop deeper partnerships with my clients.”

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Multiple Ways to Access the Data to Optimize Insights and Usability

The full launch of Near Pinnacle brings an intuitive user interface with multiple ways of working with human movement data, available for analysts, business users, and engineers alike. Pinnacle Places’ intuitive interface on-platform offers i****** charts and maps that can be used to focus on a single location or compare multiple visitation patterns across geographies and time periods in four different countries. Additionally, Pinnacle Data enables powerful off-platform use, facilitating the incorporation of human movement data insights to be brought into any existing workflow, dashboard, or platform.

Near Pinnacle Helps Companies Monitor Change Throughout the Pandemic

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All brick-and-mortar businesses have experienced significant change since the onset of the pandemic, as the new normal of consumer behavior has changed and keeps changing. Near Pinnacle features not just real-time data, but also historic location insights. Enterprises will be able to peek backward in time to leverage data to understand how historical trends affected footfall for themselves and competitors, to make more informed decisions for the future.

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Sharable Visuals and Data Broadens Access Beyond Data Experts

In fast-paced corporate environments, data and insights are only as helpful as they are accessible and shareable to decision-makers. A key upgrade from the on-platform product roadmap and EAP phase is the addition of easily downloadable charts, maps, and cleaned data sets to make Near’s insights easily actionable across the entire organization. By making insights easier to share with stakeholders, even those lacking a technical background, Near Pinnacle makes the process of data-driven decision-making accessible to all. Users will now be able to engage with and share insights within their organization without using highly technical software, leveling the playing field between data specialists and non-specialists.

Near Pinnacle’s powerful search functionality allows users to access the preloaded information of over 1.2 million store locations in the U.S., CanadaAustralia, and New Zealand, across retail, restaurants, auto, banks, and more. Whether a user wants to look at a single location, benchmark against competitors, or look at several locations in the market, Near Pinnacle supports critical searching needs. During the EAP phase and product roadmapping, the Near team identified additional features that further strengthen the product, adding support for additional keyword searches and insights to support a growing range of search terms and needs. Near will keep adding keywords over time to support user search and usage.

“The team is thrilled with the success of our EAP. After collecting a lot of customer feedback, and incorporating it into the product, our team is eager to see how all of our global customers will grow, backed by access to our newest and most powerful tool yet,” said Michelle Zhou, Head of Product Management at Near. “With this exciting launch, our team is enthused to support new and existing customers in learning how to use Pinnacle and taking advantage of all of its features.”

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