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Productiv Essentials Replaces Spreadsheet-Based SaaS Management at N******

Centralized SaaS Management Offering Addresses Industry-Wide SaaS Sprawl

Productiv, the leading enterprise SaaS Management Platform, announced Productiv Essentials, a free tier of its customer-proven enterprise SaaS Management Platform. Productiv Essentials empowers enterprises to replace their SaaS spreadsheet with comprehensive visibility, including advanced analytics and feature-level insights, into how their people are using and engaging with SaaS applications.

Companies around the globe in various industries are continuing to invest in, adopt, and use SaaS applications. In fact, new survey data from Productiv reveals that more than half of IT executives say their organization currently uses more than 100 SaaS applications on a daily basis. Spreadsheets and surveys are no longer effective for managing application usage, as they are both costly and inaccurate. SaaS management eliminates these roadblocks, providing deep visibility into how people are using and engaging with applications — in real time.

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“A growing number of SaaS applications, coupled with a lack of visibility into how these apps are being used, puts companies in a reactive position when it comes to application management,” said Jody Shapiro, co-founder and CEO at Productiv. “Productiv Essentials allows companies to take a proactive approach with their software investments, creating a central system of record that allows leaders to collaborate effectively on application strategy. By offering Productiv Essentials at n******, we’re ensuring that enterprises can start getting the most from their applications today.”

Productiv Essentials is designed to replace the SaaS spreadsheet with real-time, complete visibility into a company’s entire application portfolio. Productiv Essentials also provides the ability to proactively manage renewals. This data-driven approach to SaaS management helps IT leaders determine which applications are (and are not) delivering value along with insights to drive value higher.

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Productiv Essentials allows enterprises to build a strong SaaS Management foundation with:

  • Unprecedented visibility: Productiv Essentials offers a 360-degree view of SaaS applications for simple and effective management. It lets users see their managed applications and connect to common expense systems to uncover shadow IT and expensed applications.
  • Renewal management: Productiv Essentials allows companies to track critical renewal data so they can proactively manage and prioritize renewals, instead of chasing down vendors and contracts at the last minute.
  • Deep insights into engagement: The best way to manage SaaS applications is to have a complete understanding of how applications are being used by individuals and teams — all the way down to the feature level. Productiv Essentials supports this capability with the ability to report engagement analytics for the video conferencing system of choice.

In conjunction with the launch of Productiv Essentials, Productiv also announced results of a new survey that further underscores the importance of effective SaaS application management. According to The State of SaaS Management in 2020, 97 percent of those surveyed report that they don’t have complete visibility into how their applications are used by employees. Also, 88 percent of respondents believe that a central location for SaaS management would simplify internal processes, increase visibility, and provide teams with the opportunity to focus more on strategic initiatives. However, automation is key to this strategy, with 94 percent noting that managing SaaS applications with manual tools leads to out-of-date information and poor business decision making.

The State of SaaS Management in 2020 was conducted by Pulse on behalf of Productiv. The study polled IT executives to better understand how centralizing SaaS application management can improve visibility into key tool analytics and their company’s bottom line.

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