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Life Beyond Passwords – Biometrics and the Future of User Verification

NYC area IT security consultant discusses physical vs. behavioral biometrics, common types of biometrics and trends to watch beyond passwords—in a new article from eMazzanti Technologies

A NYC area IT security consultant and managed services provider (MSP) discusses what we can expect beyond passwords for user verification in a new article on the eMazzanti Technologies website. The informative article explains the variety and relative high degree of security found in biometrics.

The author also discusses biometrics that involve physiological vs. behavioral characteristics. He then reviews several methods for biometric verification, including fingerprints, facial recognition and iris, retina and palm scans.

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“As cyber risks evolve, businesses and individuals must also evolve beyond passwords to more sophisticated authentication methods,” stated Almi Dumi, CISO, eMazzanti Technologies.

Below are a few excerpts from the article, “Life Beyond Passwords: Biometrics and the Future of User Verification.”

Physical vs. Behavioral Biometrics

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“Biometrics can involve physiological or behavioral characteristics. For example, physiological biometrics include characteristics like fingerprints, face shape, vein patterns and the iris or retina. Most of these characteristics remain stable throughout life.”

“Behavioral biometrics, on the other hand, involve the way we do things. Examples include the way we talk, the way we type on a keyboard or how we walk. While useful, these characteristics can change with stress, disease or other life experiences making them less useful for authentication.”

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Common Types of Biometrics

  •     “Facial recognition – Like fingerprints, facial recognition offers quick and easy authentication. However, while facial recognition technology has evolved significantly in recent years, the modality still has a low degree of accuracy as compared to other options.”
  •     “Iris scans – Iris scans offer the highest degree of accuracy, and the iris does not change over time. However, iris scanners require significant investment. And a hacker could potentially trick an iris scanner with a high-quality photograph.”

Tap into the Possibilities Beyond Passwords

Organizations can no longer depend on password technology alone to secure vital information and processes. Fortunately, advances in biometrics have begun to make additional security layers more accessible. Interested parties should contact eMazzanti Technologies today to begin building a multi-layer cyber security solution that incorporates biometrics.

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