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New NFT Collection Combining P2E Gaming, Utility and Philanthropy: Moose vs Hunger

Moose vs Hunger is on a mission to fight hunger around the world. Moose vs Hunger, the first collection by NFTKO Hunger, LLC., will release an exclusive collection of 10,000 unique and algorithmically generated collectible NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. With 25% of all NFT sales being allocated to organizations and efforts focused on improving food security and providing nutrition for communities and families in need, Moose vs. Hunger aims to improve food security across all corners of the globe, while also providing community members an exciting and competitive NFT gaming environment.

For over two years, Moose vs Hunger Founder, Josh/Brastion, suffered from severe and undiagnosed stomach issues. He would literally starve with food in front of him because his body would refuse anything eaten. After countless doctor appointments and tests, Brastion was diagnosed with a chronic condition called Gastroparesis. While Brastion struggled with his own personal issues with hunger and health-related issues, his brother Zach/Scuffed’s imaginative empathy terrified him with the thoughts of millions of people around the globe suffering from lack of food security. Motivated by a desire to make a positive impact on food insecurity in underprivileged communities, the brothers had a stroke of genius that will completely shift the landscape of food insecurity, charitable donations, and community empowerment.

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An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger that is verified and secured using blockchain technology. Often recognized as digital collectibles, 2021 has seen record-setting NFT sales including when Digital Artist Beeple sold an NFT for $69.3 million and when a CryptoPunk NFT sold for $11.8 million.

A recently released Whitepaper for the project highlights that ownership of a Moose NFT doubles as membership to a competitive NFT-based gaming ecosystem along with providing 25% of sales to alleviate food instability. This game will provide utility for users to compete for ETH and NFT prizes. The champion will be receiving a custom 1/1 NFT made for the w****** Moose. Offering a platform for individuals who want to make a positive impact for communities and families in need, Moose vs Hunger aims to leverage community connections to make impactful and systematic change to food insecurity.

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