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NordLayer Releases Device Posture Monitoring – an Easier Way to Check Device Compliance

NordLayer has released a new feature called Device Posture Monitoring. It allows companies to determine whether a device is compliant with existing cybersecurity policies and can be trusted to access company resources, which significantly  increases network security.

Device Posture Monitoring (DPM) is a part of the zero trust network access (ZTNA) technology.

The feature determines a device’s compliance with the company’s security rules no matter where the device is located,  increasing  the security of the company’s network. With a set of  predefined rules, an IT admin can monitor access to company resources and conduct regular virtual checks for updates of the already approved devices.

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Main features of Device Posture Monitoring

  • Alerts for any devices unknown to the network
    If the company policy requires use of only trusted/known devices, DPM enables verification of each device separately, and if an unknown device is used in the network, an alert is activated.
  • OS-based limitations
    If a company is using, for example, Windows devices only, the IT admin can create an alert for using any other device  (Linux or macOS). The same goes for an OS version if the admin has imposed version-based limitations.

Andrius Buinovskis, a product manager at NordLayer, says, “DPM is a tool to collect information about whether devices that meet certain requirements are being used to connect to the network. Factors  taken into account include whether these are devices known to administrators, whether the device is configured properly, and whether the expected operating system is used. In the case of mobile devices, it  checks if the device has been jailbroken (iOS) or rooted (Android). Having this monitoring tool is important because based on mentioned triggers and alerts, it will then be possible to block access when the device fails to comply with predefined rules.”

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