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Jumpmind Launches Retail Tech’s Unified Omnichannel Promotions Tool

The Solution Addresses Modern Retail Challenges with Innovative Promotions to Captivate Inflation-Weary Shoppers

Jumpmind, Inc., a leading provider of innovative retail technology solutions, introduced Jumpmind Promote, its powerful new unified promotions solution. The launch of Promote comes at a key inflection point as retailers attempt to spur sales for inflation-weary shoppers through inspired and differentiated promotions to incentivize purchases.

It’s not uncommon for most retailers to have four to seven disparate promotions toolsets, making it difficult to orchestrate highly relevant and personalized promotions for omnichannel shoppers. Additionally, legacy solutions are often the biggest impediment to creating new and original promotions, relegating retailers to the same-old “Buy One, Get One Free” clichéd offers.

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Jumpmind Promote enables pioneering promotions through a simple and intuitive interface with powerful tools to streamline unified promotion execution. By providing one engine and one authoring tool, and key workflows for all promotions across channels, Promote provides a centralized hub for promotional teams to build, launch and execute campaigns.

The highly intuitive user interface enables retailers to execute all aspects of promotions management tasks with ease. A comprehensive campaign builder offers reusable templates, configurable promotion types, and the ability to stack promotions to target the right audience with the exact right offer. Workflows enable teams to create custom promotion rules, triggers, and build in exclusions and inclusions.

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The solution is dynamic and tailored to unique customer journeys, releasing promo codes on-demand when audiences meet applicable criteria and parameters. Promote also features “near-miss” promotion identification to empower upselling during the sales and order process. A built-in “best deal” promotion algorithm ensures customers are provided with the lowest price according to qualification across all active promotions.

Like the company’s flagship Jumpmind Commerce Point of Sale solution, Jumpmind Promote is fully microservice-based, with an API-first and cloud-native architecture, for agility at scale. This makes it easy for retailers to integrate Promote with any and all loyalty management systems, AI engines and price optimization tools.

Leading retailers such as The Paper Store and The Vitamin Shoppe have already signed on to leverage Jumpmind Promote.

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“Promotions agility and creativity are indispensable for retailers wanting to boost sales, customer engagement, and loyalty. Jumpmind Promote removes all barriers for retailers to create campaigns that move the mark by increasing store or website visits, encouraging shoppers to make more regular purchases, and/or increasing their total purchase amount for greater customer lifetime value,” said Joe Corbin, President and CEO of Jumpmind.

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