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Narwal Introduces Narwal Freo, Furthering Its Commitment to Bringing Flawless Floors to Every Household

Narwal, the fast-growing robotics startup dedicated to bringing flawless floors to every household through highly efficient, professional-level floor cleaning technologies, announced its newest product offering, the Narwal Freo. The brand-new versatile cleaning robot aims to redefine auto-cleaning, creating a pleasing experience for users and greatly facilitating the day-to-day cleaning process. The robot has all settled cleaning modules so customers don’t have to manually switch requirements. It also combines a patented DirtSense and Smart-Swing and a new upgraded Touch LCD station. The Narwal Freo is the only product on the market offering the latter feature, making it smoother and simpler to manipulate the product.

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“ In this smart home technology industry — which is not yet smart enough — we truly care about the users of our products and stay focused on what they need, solving any problems related to the cleaning process and making it an easier one for them.”

Enhanced algorithms and sensors guarantee high efficiency and thorough cleaning so the Narwal Freo knows how many times to clean up a dusty room and how long it will take to remove dust and dirt from its mops.

“The invention of Narwal Freo reflects our care and concern about customers, as well as our dedication to impacting people’s lives by making their day-to-day life easier,” explained Junbin Zhang, founder and CEO of Narwal. “ In this smart home technology industry  which is not yet smart enough  we truly care about the users of our products and stay focused on what they need, solving any problems related to the cleaning process and making it an easier one for them.”

The introduction of Narwal Freo follows the company’s successful launch of its first two-in-one robot mop and vacuum with auto-cleaning station, the Narwal T10, which was unveiled in June of 2021 and met with great success. As the company’s newest product, the Freo comes after a year of dedicated research and development by the entire Narwal Team, an intensive effort to perfect details before finalizing the innovation.

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Also unique to the Narwal Freo’s design are tilted 14-degree side brushes, inspired by a street sweeper truck. This is the most effective angle to sweep the larger particles in and keep smaller dust particles out.

Narwal has applied for over 400 patents to date. DirtSense, Smart-Swing, Noise Reduction and Self-Cleaning Base Station are a few of the many patents that the company has already received. Besides the five cleaning modes as compared to the T10’s two modes, what differentiates the Freo from the T10 is its Freo Mode, which was originally invented by Narwal. Freo Mode combines customizable floor-type cleaning plans and patented DirtSense technology and Smart-Swing feature. The algorithms of DirtSense technology help Freo to determine how many times to clean thoroughly for a flawless floor, while Smart-Swing helps Freo clean the wall edge significantly better.

The Narwal Freo is an upgrade from other models that offer the same pressure for all flooring types. In addition to customized settings for floor types, the Freo adjusts mopping pressure accordingly, ensuring that floors are well protected.

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