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Google’s Decision to Delete Data From Inactive Accounts Branded ‘Unfair’ by 91% of Europeans

Majority of cloud storage users were not aware of the move, coming later this year

The overwhelming majority (91%) of Europeans believe Google’s plans to delete data in accounts that have been inactive for two years is ‘unfair’, according to a survey of 1,500 cloud storage users across the UK, France and Germany.


The poll, conducted by pCloud, further demonstrated how Europeans are shunning tech giants that ‘for too long have had far too much control over our data’.

That’s according to Tunio Zafer, CEO at pCloud, who added: “Most (82%) weren’t even aware of the decision, which will catch a lot of people by surprise.”

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Those surveyed said they consider photos are the most precious files they store in the cloud, followed by videos, music and finally documents.

Law makers in Europe have signalled their intention to place further rules on tech giants such as Apple, Google and Facebook. The pCloud study found three quarters of Europeans believe there should be stricter regulation to protect them when using the services of US tech giants.

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Zafer continued: “All of this comes down to an issue of control. Cloud storage is about keeping precious memories safe – and about keeping businesses moving – but too often control lies in the wrong place.

“People should rightly expect that they can set the terms for how and where their files are stored. Unfortunately, there are too many cases where tech companies misuse the power they have earned to harvest data for commercial purposes. It is clear that consumers no longer want this heavy-handed approach.”

The survey found 73% believe concerns around data privacy make them more inclined to choose European companies over their US counterparts.

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