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NAVYA Signs A Memorandum Of Understanding With The Ministry Of Transport And Telecommunication Of The Kingdom Of Bahrain To Take Its Ambition Mobility Program To The Next Level

NAVYA , an autonomous mobility systems leader, has signed on the 23/06/2022, at the Bahraini Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications in Manama, an agreement with the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication of the Kingdom of Bahrain, to support the implementation of autonomous vehicles in Bahrain.

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Bahrain’s Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications (MTT) is the government body responsible for the development and regulation of the Kingdom’s transportation and telecommunications infrastructure and systems. The MTT covers development for Land Transport, but also for Civil aviation affairs, along with Ports and Maritime Affairs.

MTT responsibility is to enhance and regulate affairs in these areas, propelling the Kingdom through leading projects such as the Bahrain Metro Project, or the Bahrain Airport Modernization Program.

The agreement was signed by Ms. Sophie Desormière, CEO of Navya, and Nada Yousif Deen, Assistant Undersecretary for Land Transportation, under the supervision of H.E. Mohammed bin Thamer Al-Kaabi – Bahrain Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications.

The agreement between NAVYA and the MTT has for goal to help the Ministry to diversify the modes of public transport in the country, by facilitating the implementation of Autonomous vehicles for the transportation of people, in order to enhance Bahrain’s economic position and regional standing.

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Navya will support the MTT by sharing its experience, and best practices used on projects conducted worldwide, toward implementation of regulation and policies for Autonomous vehicles.

Moreover, Navya will support on the feasibility study of use cases identified through the Kingdom, focusing mostly on smart city use cases, airports, industrial sites and campuses.

Navya will provide value-added analyses and support, suggesting plans for implementation, to facilitate the breakthrough of Autonomous and electric vehicles in the Kingdom.

NAVYA’s share of the autonomous mobility market for people stands at 75% in the GCC countries, including 6 shuttles in operation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and 6 shuttles in the UAE. The current discussions and agreement in the Kingdom of Bahrain will strongly contribute to the company’s region leadership position, and global leadership with more than 200 shuttles in operation across the world.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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