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Metaverse Advanced Technology Research Organization “MATRIX GENESIS LABS” Launched

MATRIX Co., Ltd. of the MetaReal Group has launched the Metaverse advanced technology research organization “MATRIX GENESIS LABS.”

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“anytime, anywhere, and with anyone without the impediment of language.”

In order to realize the corporate philosophy of our company MATRIX, “Eliminating disparities and discrimination in the old reality, such as borders, language barriers, physical differences, knowledge gaps, and all other handicaps,” it is necessary to think backwards from what the future will look like, rather than accumulate solutions to current problems.

This fact is in good harmony with the time axis of the Metaverse business domain, which we have positioned as the core of our growth strategy.

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The Metaverse advanced technology research organization “MATRIX GENESIS LABS (MGL)” imagines how various advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and Web3 will affect the way we live in the Metaverse space in the future. We are a prototyping team that will continue to publish “touchable visions” at high speed by experimentally integrating and implementing these conceptual technologies while they are still at the earliest stage.

The prototypes implemented in “MATRIX GENESIS LABS (MGL)” will be released as a beta version on our reality metaverse platform “DOKODEMO Door

After verifying its value and issues through trial use by users, we will go through the procedure of proceeding to production.

“MATRIX GENESIS LABS” implements a grander vision with the highest priority. As a guideline for this purpose, the organization does not want to close itself inward, and actively promotes collaboration with external researchers and companies.

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