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C. M. Rubin (Cathy) is the founder of CMRubinWorld, an online publishing company focused on education, entertainment and lifestyle, the co-founder of Planet Classroom a reality show for education and the co-founder of Henmead Enterprises, Inc., a publishing and strategic consulting company. Rubin’s 30 years of experience as an author, journalist, editor, executive, and entrepreneur in the fields of publishing, film, television, video and education have fostered her expertise in identifying and evaluating national and global trends in key economic sectors and industries, including the impact of innovation and technology. Rubin is the author of three best-selling books and two widely read online series for which she received 2 Upton Sinclair awards. Her award winning series, “The Global Search for Education,” brings together over 600 distinguished thought leaders from around the world to explore the key education issues faced by most nations.