Eric Mayhew 1 posts 0 comments
Eric is a nationally recognized expert in the field of digital advertising, and has experience developing platforms and leading engineering teams to deliver solutions that have changed the way global enterprises and brands operationalize advertising.
Prior to Fluency, Eric worked with automotive digital marketing leader and disruptor (now part of Cox Automotive) from 2007 - 2017. While there, Eric is credited with engineering the company’s proprietary advertising platform at a time when the automotive industry was only beginning to digitize their marketing tactics. He helped lead the company, and industry, in the space of digital advertising, and near the end of his tenure at the company’s platform delivered more than $1 billion in ad spend.
Eric’s deep level of knowledge includes pioneering the concept of dynamic inventory ads in the automotive space which has since served as a model for other inventory-driven industries. Also, he coined the terms “distance degraded bidding” and “mobile bid modifiers”, that have now become industry wide terms. He is a highly sought-after expert and has given large-audience presentations on Google campuses and at top tier industry events.
He is a graduate of Clarkson University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering.