Browsing Category Primers
Artificial Intelligence and the Trust Deficit: A Call for Greater Transparency
The field of generative AI is flush with cash at the moment. Investment in the space grew by nearly $8 billion in the last year alone. But, executives…
What’s Required to Exploit Generative AI Responsibly?
Generative AI creates a new wave of innovation and possibility but is not without risk. Executives feel driven to take advantage of AI but are also…
Power of ChatGPT: How Brands are Leveraging ChatGPT AI to Create Engaging Content for Email…
Email newsletters and ChatGPT are made for each other. From a marketing ROI perspective, emails written using ChatGPT could improve the context and…
Developing Responsible AI Solutions for Healthcare: A CTO’s Perspective
As technology reshapes healthcare at an unprecedented pace, a pivotal challenge is taking center stage: the integration of AI. In my role as the Chief…
The Human Brain is the Best Example of a Supercomputer
The recent research in the field of computational neuroscience have shown a remarkable evolutionary relationship between cognitive features of a human…
What Is Acquisition Email Marketing in 2023?
Amid a volatile economy and rising media costs, leading customers down the sales funnel is only getting more expensive. Today’s marketers are…
Transforming Legal Landscape: How AI is Becoming The Ultimate Sidekick for Lawyers
We all know that artificial intelligence has made a significant impact in different industries, but we often undermine its role in the field…
The Network is Key to the Future of AI
AI is ubiquitous in our daily lives – at work, play, and everywhere else. In fact, it’s so prevalent that we scarcely notice it – think Alexa, Siri,…
AI and Data Science in Action: The Top 5 AI Data Science Projects for Manufacturing
The manufacturing industry is a dynamic and technology-driven sector that is fortifying the global economy. For manufacturers, the primary objective…
The Role of Generative AI in Creating Brand-Centric Customer Experience Strategy
Tim Cook, Apple CEO once very eloquently stated,
Generative AI opens up endless possibilities for creating personalized and immersive customer…