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StratCap Acquires Jacksonville Data Center

StratCap data center real estate division, StratCap Data Centers, announced today that it completed the acquisition of a triple net leased data center in Jacksonville, FL.

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Located in a market with growing demand for data center space, this 25,600 square foot facility is fully leased to a major telecommunications carrier and serves as one of the company’s wireless communications switching centers. The facility includes a cell tower and acts as an essential hub for routing voice calls and text messages for the tenant’s customers in the surrounding region. The existing lease for the property commenced in 2002, and it was recently extended to 2038. In addition, the tenant has invested significant capital to upgrade the building to serve its technical operations and expand its 5G wireless coverage.

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“This was an off-market, relationship-driven opportunity to invest in a mission critical asset with a high-quality tenant and nearly 16 years of lease term remaining,” stated Bryan Marsh, CEO of StratCap Data Centers. He continued, “We think the property is a perfect fit for our overall investment strategy and adds significant value to our overall portfolio.”

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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