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Top 5 Wearable Tech Trends in 2020

The wearable technology has evolved to become one of the biggest industries in the world thanks to the fascinating innovations that has continued to keep this industry lively. As a matter of fact, a study conducted by Statista shows that the total number of wearable users that were connected to 4G network in 2017 to be 526 million, while the market is expected to grow by 89 million by 2022 connecting over 900 million. These figures indicate a continuous growth in demand for wearable gadgets: an increasing trend that they are becoming a life necessity.

If you have been using the technology for a while now, it is important that you always be on the lookout for the latest and a more enhanced version of the various gadgets you are using. This way, you will not only be able to enjoy the additional features that come with upgrades but also get highly accurate and reliable data. The year 2019 has thousands of latest wearables to offer. We find the following wearable tech the best trend of 2019.

Assault protection wearable

Recently, there has been a rise in the number of sexual assault cases especially in women and such is projected to increase in the future if the current state persists. In fact, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center posits that the number of women raped to be 1 in every 5 women while the figures stand at 1 in every 74 men. Well, with the increased awareness and use of rape protection, it is expected that these figures will drop.

So how does this tech work? A wearable is simply a gadget that is camouflaged as an attachment to the garment and made to detect falls and force. The rape protection is connected to the phone via Bluetooth where you can choose to either close the functionality in case of a false alarm or activate an emergency rape button if it is actually happening. Additionally, your phone will still send texts if you fail to close the app within 5 seconds ensuring distress communication even if the assaulter overpowers you. On the other end, the contacted emergency help will be recording the evidence which will then be presented for legal action.

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The use of smartwatch is increasingly becoming popular since there is so much to get from these devices other than just checking the time. Topping the 2019 list is the Apple series 4 that comes among the few watches with an inbuilt electrocardiogram to warn you in case you are developing a heart complication. Additionally, the watch automatically detects panic for instance in case of a fall which will trigger it to send help notifications to your physician and close family members.

Other popular models worth your consideration include; Fitbit, Huawei, Garmin, and Samsung. With these smartwatches, you can keep track of your day’s activities such as the distance covered and stay in track of your health goals more so when you want to reduce calorie intake and burn fats. What’s even more with these intelligent devices when compared to their earlier predecessors is that they come with improved battery life, and are more stylish and appealing with STK/ SD card support.

Smart rings

Another trending wearable gadget of 2019 is the smart ring. The gadget is becoming popular among businessmen and individuals who spend most of their time in meetings and want to get notifications without attracting much attention by glancing at their smartwatch and other mobile devices. Additionally, this wearable is very handy while shopping since you can use it to swipe for payment or gain access to your car and other smart home appliances.

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The trending rings of 2019 that you can get include; the Lycos Life, Blinq, NFC Opn, Mc Lear, and Oura smart rings. With these wearables, you can keep track of your biometric activity data like the number of steps made and distance covered during the day, and the calories burnt. As if that is not all, if you’re having health issues or sense danger, you can activate the panic button which will activate the ring to send emergency help. Unlike the normal ring, you don’t have to worry in case you misplace it since you can easily track its position using GPS connection from other mobile devices.

Fitness Trackers

With increasing cases of health issues that are mainly attributed to the sedentary lifestyle, the use of fitness trackers is now becoming even more popular. The great thing about the improved version like Xiaomi Mi Band 2S is that it is far much affordable and capable of capturing health data on a wider scope. With this gadget, for instance, you will be able to keep track of your health even when you are asleep which makes it easier for the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

Besides knowing your health data, trackers also send you real-time texts and missed call notifications exactly the same way as a smartwatch, thereby ensuring that you don’t miss important calls and texts when you are out exercising. At the end of the day, you will be able to analyze your progress and improve on tactics to minimize fitness injuries. Such fitness wearables trackers of 2019 that you should get include; Suunto Spartan, and Polar OH1.

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Medical wearables

There is an increasing demand in the use of medical wearables owing to its affordability and convenience as opposed to routine checkups that not only comes at a cost but also expensive. The latest advancement has seen these devices now capable of collecting highly accurate health data and connect remotely to the personal physician who will then be able to monitor your health progress and also check if you are correctly using your medications.

Typical examples of trending medical wearables of 2019 include; the Google smart lenses, health patch MD, Cloud DX vitality and iTBra. These come with patches and sensors that are capable of detecting body changes and analyzes the data and cautions individuals of developing diseases.

The bottom line

The use of wearable technology is increasing and becoming a necessity owing to their affordability. With the latest development, these devices can now record lots of data and are more advanced than their earlier version. In regard to this, it is important to upgrade to the latest design so that you can enjoy more benefits that come with upgrades.

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  3. Ferty says

    Китайские товары каждый раз различались низкими ценами, а, поэтому, и приемлемостью. Но не целесообразно думать, что в общем произведенная продукция из Поднебесной невысокопробная и портится и рассыпается через несколько дней. Производственные товары создаются долговечными и хорошими и оперируют многим запросом не только в странах таможенного союза ЕАЭС, также и в Европе. Поэтому оказавшись в КНР, не потеряйте случай приобрести немного, а может быть и больше вещей для себя и близких знакомых. Продавцы в Поднебесной показываются пристаючьими и умеют классно договариваться о скидке. Стоит посодействовать им, ведь они не хотят отпустить не одного покупателя без товара и, как правило, постоянно ослабляют завышенную цену на 10%, а то и на 50%. В частности дискаунт хорош в краях туристических, где стоимости подчас увеличивают даже в 15 раз и в 20 раз, правда настоящую стоимость вы вряд ли выясните.

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  6. Anshkumar says

    Thanks for Share This Article,

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