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Yogi Berra Estate Selects Data Vault Holdings

Data Vault Holdings Inc., the emerging leader in metaverse data visualization, valuation, and monetization announced today that the Estate of Yogi Berra, whose legendary Major League Baseball career and even greater success as a marketing spokesman, has entered into a long-term data monetization contract with Data Vault Holdings. Through his iconic American personality Yogi Berra created some of the most memorable and thought-provoking phrases such as the statement, “It ain’t over till it’s over,” as well as other “Yogisms,” that have since his popularizing of them through iconic endorsements have transcended baseball and marketing to become part of his incredible legacy and legend Worldwide.

Tim Berra the President of LTD Enterprises, The Estate of Yogi Berra, which is  comprised of his accomplished children Larry, Tim and Dale Berra, said, “I really believe that the technology that Datavault has developed in its Yogi’s simple yet profound connection with the American people and what he represents around the world.”

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Nathaniel Bradley Co-Founder and CEO of Data Vault Holdings, Inc. stated, “It’s humbling and fully energizing to our team to have this long-term relationship in place. Longevity requires quality, compliance, and focused attention that this project commands. Protecting all our customers’ data assets through White Hat Cyber Security, minting, and capturing valuable assets from the Estate’s extensive holdings, and providing a know-your-customer (KYC) and regulatory compliant platform that protects this brand and conveys longevity is our commitment to American ideals.”

“This is much more than a digital deal. Yogi Berra was one of the most iconic celebrity endorsers of all time. With this contract, Yogi will once again be a major endorser for brands and data properties within the metaverse. This is a major technology licence for the Yogi Berra Estate, a real game changer!” elaborated Ed Schauder of the Nason Yeager Lawfirm, a long time agent of the Yogi Berra Estate, “We did this to create value in his legacy and make the world realize; “It ain’t over.”

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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