RED Technologies Wins ISED Approval as TV White Space Database Administrator in Canada
RED Technologies, the company developing and operating dynamic spectrum sharing solutions in the US and UK, announces that it has been approved as a TV White Space (TVWS) Database Administrator by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). This follows the deployment of RED’s CBRS SAS solution with Amdocs in the US mid 2020 and the company recently being awarded the qualifications from both Ofcom and the FCC to operate its TVWS database in the United Kingdom and the United States.
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TV white space refers to the unused frequencies allocated for broadcast at a given time in a given geographical area. It can be used to deliver innovative wireless services with applications, especially the provision of broadband connectivity to rural communities.
Michael Abitbol, COO of RED, said: “For rural communities struggling to get online where traditional broadband can’t reach, TVWS can be life-changing, moreover in the current pandemic context rushing people, educational systems and companies to go online. While completing ISED’s qualification process, we have been conducting successful interoperability tests with multiple equipment vendors. We will see the first operators’ TVWS commercial rollouts in Canada as soon as April 1, 2021 when we launch WaveDB, our TVWS database, in the country.”
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Pierre-Jean Muller, CEO, RED, said: “Receiving ISED approval is an important step for us as we trust TVWS and our other spectrum sharing technologies have the potential not only to bridge the digital divide, but also to generate new business models. This certification will pave the way to the introduction of our 6 GHz AFC (Automatic Frequency Controller) in Canada. Indeed, taking into account ISED’s recent public consultation on 6 GHz and considering key synergies between TVWS database technology and the 6 GHZ AFC, today’s certification is a strategic step for RED Technologies.”
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