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Mendix Selects Three Nonprofits for its upcoming Global ‘Low-Code for Good’ Hackathon

Mendix, a Siemens business and global leader in modern enterprise application development, announced the designated nonprofit organizations that will participate in its upcoming ‘MxHacks 2022: Low-Code for Good,’ one of the biggest low-code hackathons in the world.

The first-ever Mendix global hackathon has already attracted over 800 registrations from 45 countries. The event will take place in four locations on three continents: Boston, London, Rotterdam, and Singapore, as well as remotely from anywhere in the world, to build solutions to improve lives, fight for justice, or advance other good causes. MxHacks 2022 will invite developers to work on a challenge for New Hope Community Services (APAC); Project Alianza (Americas); and the Welcome App (EMEA).

Nonprofits support social justice efforts around the globe

Mendix has selected the organizations for its MxHacks challenge based on a series of criteria, including mission and vision and the role that low-code technology plays in supporting the organization’s future growth. By selecting real-life use cases from nonprofit organizations for the hackathon, Mendix aims to create a platform and community that is accessible for everyone. The hackathon is a means through which Mendix tries to help the most vulnerable people in the world access education, integrate in a new country, and provide them with shelter and a chance to rebuild their lives. This supports Mendix’s core values of empowering a wide range of citizen developers regardless of background to innovate through low-code.

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New Hope Community Services (New Hope CS) is a growing organization committed to meeting the needs of Singapore’s rough sleepers and homeless community. Their core services focus on providing shelter as well as mentoring and employment support for the displaced and disadvantaged. New Hope CS currently runs four shelters across Singapore that serve individuals, families, and male ex-offenders, and recently began managing 50 flats under the new HDB Joint Singles Scheme (Operator Run) Project.

“At New Hope CS, we strongly believe that everyone should have access to four fundamental needs: shelter, food, health, and clothes. As our society in Singapore evolves, it’s more vital than ever that we support the homeless community. We believe this requires a series of programs that not only help people find a place to stay when they need it most, but also find a way to reintegrate into society so they can build a positive future for themselves. We are looking forward to working with Mendix and the low-code community during MxHacks to create new services that will support our mission to restore hope to those we serve,” said Pastor Andrew Khoo, CEO and founder of New Hope CS.

Project Alianza aims to bridge the learning gap for rural school-age children in Central America by leveraging technology and existing community networks. The organization aims to support disenfranchised communities and women and empower them to take control of their education so they can reach their full potential.

“Our primary focus is to improve literacy and health behaviors through an offline and online system that promotes healthy hygiene practices and aids the learning and educational process for everyone,” said Kristin Van Busum, CEO and founder at Project Alianza. “We aim to positively impact others’ lives by providing value-added education: learning opportunities and connectivity to people in rural areas who have limited access to the internet and resources. We believe that tech is critical in leveling the playing field for people living in the most rural parts of Central America. Working with Mendix and its low-code community of developers will help us make education more accessible for children who need it the most.”

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The Welcome App offers a one-stop shop for people who are rebuilding their lives in a new country. By linking newcomers with service providers, companies, municipalities, and local individuals, it facilitates social integration in a scalable way. This app allows newcomers to create a social network, learn the local language, and find work and leisure activities to recreate a life similar to the one they had before. Designed for refugees and asylum seekers, the platform aims to simplify integration into a new society to help people feel at home wherever they are.

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Julius Weise, founder and director at Welcome App, said, “In recent years, we have learned a lot about the challenges people face in building a new life and sustainable integration into a new society. So we want to facilitate meaningful connections by offering an accessible overview of organizations, networks, information, online and offline activities, a helpdesk where newcomers can ask questions, and a chat function that encourages 1:1 contact between newcomers and local people. By working with Mendix and the low-code community, we are confident we will be able to improve the quality of our services and extend the range of services we offer to newcomers in the Netherlands and other places in Europe so they can all feel welcome.”

“We have been humbled by the organizations who contacted us to participate in MxHacks,” says Mendix CEO Tim Srock. “We always knew that low-code could be a force for good, and working with organizations who are having such a positive impact as New Hope Community Services, Project Alianza, and the Welcome App is a great opportunity for Mendix and the low-code community to make a positive impact for those who need the most support. The starting point of our Low-Code For Good program, MxHacks, is an excellent opportunity for developers to share their passion for creating, learning, and showcasing how low-code can help everyone use technology to improve their lives.”

In addition to the challenges that developers will be asked to solve for New Hope Community Services, Project Alianza, and the Welcome App, attendees to MxHacks will be able to meet like-minded individuals across the globe and grow their networks by joining workshops hosted by experts, attending training, and working with the many coaches patrolling the hackathon. Attendees will also have access to career opportunities at meet-and-greet sessions with companies looking to hire developers and expand their teams.

Admission to MxHacks is free and can include teams of up to four people. Solo developers can participate independently or join a matchmaking session to team up before the event. Hybrid teams are also eligible, with some members going on-site while others call in remotely.

Mendix boasts a community of 250,000 low-code developers, who use its platform to create solutions to complex problems. Developer-led apps include a compliance claims tracker through to an ESG app platform, AI smart banking or modeling everywhere.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]

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