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FinovateFall 2019 Kicks off the Fall Season with International Lineup of Fintech Leaders

Finovate, a leading producer of global fintech conferences, returns to New York City with the fall season’s premier event showcasing cutting-edge banking and financial technology at FinovateFall 2019, slated for 23 Sept 2019-25 Sept 2019 at the New York Marriott Marquis on Broadway in the city’s vibrant Times Square.

A fourth day of coverage on Sept. 26 features real-world cases and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence technology and the rapidly evolving and revolutionizing markets of Investech and Wealthtech. With an unparalleled range of viewpoints and perspectives across the fintech ecosystem, FinovateFall is the place to see and hear practical applications of the latest technologies.

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“Finovate conferences showcase cutting-edge banking and financial technology through a unique blend of short-form demos, networking opportunities and key insights from thought leaders and innovators in the fintech space,” said Greg Palmer, VP of Finovate. “FinovateFall does this in the most efficient way possible with five dedicated agenda streams, helping you gain insights on the latest trends, opportunities and challenges.”

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FinovateFall 2019 Kicks off the Fall Season with International Lineup of Fintech Leaders

Over the course of the four-day FinovateFall New York event, attendees will learn everything they need to know about financial and banking technology and innovation. Five dedicated agenda streams address the banking and payments evolution, digital finance and its challenges, using tech for better CX, Regtech and open banking, and wealth management innovation.

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Throughout the conference, innovations from all spheres of financial services are covered in depth by industry experts and key influencers, including keynote speaker Sean Ginevan, head of global strategy and market enablement at Google. More than 1,500 senior financial and banking executives, venture capitalists, financial institutions, press, industry analysts, bloggers, regulators and entrepreneurs are expected to attend with over 120 expert speakers and 75+ live product demos from carefully selected applicants participating.

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