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Brivo Introduces Facility Safety Features to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

Brivo’s new Facility Safety Features enable organizations to implement return-to-work safety plans utilizing cloud-based security system

As implementing formal COVID-19 safety protocols becomes necessary for resuming economic activity around the world, Brivo, the global leader in cloud-based access control and physical security platforms, introduces the Brivo Facility Safety Features to its portfolio of security products. Included automatically in Brivo Onair, Brivo Visitor, and Brivo Mobile Pass, Brivo’s Facility Safety Features are designed to support the management of COVID-19 safety protocols for facilities already using the Brivo suite of products.

“We understand that keeping employees safe is the number one priority for businesses as they begin to return to work. Dealing with COVID-19 is going to be our reality for quite some time,” says Steve Van Till, CEO at Brivo. “Our goal is to support and empower our customers to implement smart, cloud-based access control solutions that ensure everyone in their buildings can return safely. By including Facility Safety Features in the Brivo products they already use, our customers can implement these new processes quickly and adjust quickly as protocol guidance changes.”

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As more states begin to reopen their economies and others are experiencing a spike in new COVID-19 cases, there is an even greater need for access control systems. As of July 17, 2020, 51% of America has reopened according to Brivo’s Commercial Reopening Index, which monitors credential holder activity from commercial access control data across the U.S.

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Brivo Facility Safety Features offer four solutions for businesses looking to protect everyone in their buildings and improve access control in the ‘new normal’:

  • Contact Reporting: Generate targeted reports listing specific user access events and potential contacts to seamlessly create contact tracing lists
  • Personnel Control: Suspend user access automatically until they go through a screening checkpoint, controlling traffic flow and reducing close contact
  • Visitor Reporting: Screens all visitors for COVID symptoms and notifies hosts when a visitor may pose a risk
  • Mobile Self-Screening: Use Brivo Mobile Pass to identify users with COVID symptoms before they enter a site, reducing the possibility of viral spread

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