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Google Workspace Upgrades Alert Center With Advanced Counter-Abuse And Threat-Analysis Capabilities

Google’s Alert Center is now stronger and more potent in thwarting cyberattacks than ever before. And, employees would be able to enjoy the benefits right away. Google just announced Smart Canvas to simplify the future of work with Google Workspace. But, that’s not all — the leading workplace automation platform added a series of new security capabilities to protect assets hosted within Google Workspace. These security protections will defend against advanced threats and abuses that have sprung up with the rise of remote workplace culture during the pandemic.

Google Workspace With Security at Its Core to Defend Against Threats

The latest Google Workspace version will secure enterprises from falling into the perpetual trap of advanced threats, malware, and phishing attacks. By using Google Workspace, IT admins would be able to defend against attackers who are always looking for new vectors and surfaces to exploit.

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Quick Overview of Advanced Security Features Added to Google Workspace

Alert Center Enrichment With VirusTotal Threat Context

Google Workspace’s Alert Center is an important cog in the enterprise IT security management framework. Alert Center provides IT admins with actionable, real-time alerts and security insights. These insights pertain to the important security-related activity in their domain.

Google Alert Center’s alerts are now enriched with industry-leading VirusTotal threat context and reputation data.

This integration equips admins with the ability to dig into their alerts at a deeper level.

Alert Center notification would now contain:

  • Indicators of compromise: Monitor and analyze latest threat relationships within the VirusTotal dataset;
  • Threat graph: Data visualization of threat relationships providing accurate determinations for any alerts they study;
  • Multi-angular detections: Enhanced reputation information via crowdsourcing of YARA, SIGMA, and intrusion detection system rules;
  • Understand common attacker deception techniques, and more through VirusTotal submission metadata.

Google Workspace Simplifies Future of Work with Smart Canvas

Google Workspace is also providing one-click search pivots. This would allow IT admin to immediately launch VirusTotal Enterprise advanced searches to uncover other related malware in VirusTotal, all with a single click following a suspicious-threat attribute.

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These enhancements are starting to roll out in the coming weeks for:

  • Google Workspace Business Plus,
  • Enterprise Standard and Plus, and
  • Education Standard and Plus licenses

It will help empower admins to take an in-depth look at threats and potential abuse to better protect their organizations.

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Protecting Apps and User Data in Remote Workplace Culture

Google Workspace is also ensuring user data and sensitive enterprise database remain in all-safe mode 24/7.

To help admins control access to organizational data with more precision, Google Workspace just launched two enhancements for restricting Google Workspace resource access:

These are:

  • blocking all OAuth 2.0 API access with App Access Control
  • new context-aware access for Google mobile and desktop apps
Context-aware Access: Blocking third-party API access with app access control (Source: Google Workspace blog)
Context-aware Access: Blocking third-party API access with app access control (Source: Google Workspace blog)

Google Workspace Alert Center security framework is already robust enough to provide insights into how third-party API access to Workspace functions and their correlation to end-user data. With these latest updates, all OAuth 2.0 scopes would be blocked, preventing access to Google Workspace resources and assets via third-party apps and websites.

So, Google Workspace is building a safer environment for simplified collaboration and productivity in the modern era of remote workplace infrastructure.

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