Guest Authors 5 Digital Policies Small Biz MUST Have Kristina Podnar Jul 8, 2019 It’s hard to overestimate the role of small businesses plays in the American economy: Businesses with fewer than 5 employees account for 62% of…
Guest Authors How AI Streamlines The Supply Chain? Brian Wallace Jul 5, 2019 Artificial intelligence may seem like nothing more than the latest business buzz phrase, but chances are you have interacted with AI in the past…
AIT MegaMind AiThority Interview with Buno Pati, CEO at Infoworks Sudipto Ghosh Jul 3, 2019 Know My Company How do you stay updated on AI? How do you interact and integrate with AI products and solutions? I have been deeply involved with…
Guest Authors AR Glasses Have the Potential to Replace the Smartphone Within 10-15 Years from Now. Soeren Steudel Jul 3, 2019 Augmented Reality (AR) glasses are expected to become the next big thing in infotainment. They will allow us to overlay virtual objects on top of our…
AIT MegaMind AiThority Interview with Peter Wallqvist, Vice President of Strategy at iManage Sudipto Ghosh Jul 1, 2019 Know My Company What is your role and which team/technology do you handle at iManage RAVN? I’m one of the Co-founders of RAVN, which was acquired…
Guest Authors 5 Tech Trends That Businesses Can’t Afford To Ignore Chris Hoose Jul 1, 2019 Chris Hoose is the president of Choose Networks With technology evolving at such a rapid pace, some business owners are left digitally…
AIT MegaMind AiThority Interview with Kajal Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D, Co-founder at mdrk Sudipto Ghosh Jun 28, 2019 Know My Company How have you interacted with smart technologies like AI and Cloud-based analytics platforms? The concepts of AI, Machine Learning…
AIT MegaMind AiThority Interview with Avi Veidman, CEO at Nucleai Sudipto Ghosh Jun 27, 2019 How did you start in this space? What inspired you to work in AI for Healthcare? I knew little to nothing about the field of pathology until my…
AIT MegaMind AiThority Interview With Kevin Gosschalk, Founder and CEO at Arkose Labs Sudipto Ghosh Jun 12, 2019 Know My Company How have you interacted with smart technologies like cybersecurity and fraud analysis? Our perspective is a bit different than…
Machine Learning ThoughtSpot Announces $25 Million Investment in India to Accelerate Development of AI and ML… AIT News Desk Apr 10, 2019 Funding Will Also Support Launch of ThoughtSpot Business Operations in India Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming every…