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96% of Call Center Agents Believe Assistive Voice Technology Would Enhance Job Performance, According to New Meaning Survey Results

New Research Explores the Impact of Experience and Voice Assistive Technology on Job Performance and Communication in Call Centers

Meaning announced the results of a new survey exploring the impact experience and assistive technologies have on job performance and communication in call centers. Administered by Gradient Flow, the results highlight the challenges and potential solutions gleaned from 270 call center workers based in India. Overall findings suggest better communication can lead to benefits including improved productivity, customer satisfaction, employee job satisfaction, and growth.

A vast majority of respondents reported that they can easily understand callers, and in turn, callers can easily understand them. This was true among all respondents, even with varying levels of experience, from less than one year to more than three years. Despite this, 96% believe assistive technology for enhanced voice/speech understanding would help their job performance. Interestingly, this number was highest (98%) among respondents with the most experience in the field.

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Other key findings include:

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  • 91% of respondents indicated that they feel they can consistently be easily understood by callers

  • Proficiency in understanding callers amongst agents appears to be positively correlated with the duration of their tenure in the field

  • More than half (56%) of respondents have worked in a call center for 1-3 years or more than 3 years

  • Although slight, interest in voice/speech assistive technology increased with tenure

  • When asked about the benefits of better communication, respondents cited improvements in: mitigating conflict, employee engagement, productivity, client relations, direction, professional growth, communications, and workplace culture

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“Call centers are the lifeblood of customer service, and while tools like chatbots and text support have grown in popularity, there’s no replacement for speaking to another human,” said Yishay Carmiel, founder and CEO, Meaning. “Voice assistive tech can enrich these conversations, breaking down the barriers and nuances of language in real-time, resulting in a better overall experience for both the agent and caller.”

In India, average attrition r**** of call center workers range from 28-38%, depending on full-time or contractor status. Regularly replacing employees is a reality these businesses face, and in light of high turnover r****, becomes expensive fast. Add time spent onboarding, knowledge sharing, and training, and call centers are typically spending $5,000-$7,500 on each new hire.

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