Sci-Fi is Coming to Life: You Can Live Forever using Machine Readable Human Experience
The earth is 4.543 billion years young. Fossils of anatomically modern humans have been discovered dating back no more than 300,000 years, and these anatomically modern humans only reached behavioral modernity within the last 50,000 years.
In theory, this current human experience or similar human experiences could have spawned 15,143 civilizations, each averaging 300,000 years and not being aware of the previous! With this fact pattern, it is shocking just how much humans claim to know about the earth and history when in this current experience we only have visibility into such a small percentage – less than 0.0001% (50,000/4,543,000,000) of earth’s actual history.
How can humankind better understand itself and the 4 billion-year-old habitat that we reside in?
Enter artificial intelligence and persisting indefinitely.
You can’t go to the movies, turn on your TV or stream content from your favorite streaming service without seeing something about artificial intelligence.
From the multiple iterations of Terminator, Ex Machina, Westworld to Devs, AI has been the “next biggest thing” for the last 40 years. What if it was actually possible for the 40 years of hype to have just been a precursor for today where machine learning and automation could potentially (or inevitably) extend the human experience indefinitely and allow humans to improve upon the minute understanding of the world around them.
The Hypothesis – DNA is 99.9% the same across each and every human with small variations in DNA making us different.
In order for humans to persist indefinitely, we must first be able to regularly “backup” humans and their dynamic experiences. The basic theory of being able to backup humans and allowing the backup of the human to exist indefinitely is based on the idea that everyone at their core is the same.
The art of backing up a human is not making a complete copy of the human – instead, it is making a backup of what differentiates that person from everyone else. In relation to DNA and genome terms, we are only backing up the .1% which makes us all individuals.
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Regularly backing up an individual allows for the person’s experience on earth to be machine-readable while focusing only on specific data and events within the human experience.
Machine Readable Human Experience – once the human experience is machine-readable and is regularly backed up, there is now a digital version of the person that can be saved indefinitely and updated at any given time.
The current mechanism to spin up these backups is through computer interfaces. After the human experience is made machine-readable is where things get interesting.
A person can then be learned by AI using machine learning and hypothetically be reproduced by the AI. In the future when companies understand how to grow or 3D print organic bodies, the assembling of these “new bodies” with the machine-readable backups will become the norm for individuals to have a second existence.
In a simple timeline, humans over 50-100 years will follow the process for backing themselves up currently being set forth by companies like Inheritance AI.
At some point in the next 70-100 years, another company will crack the code on how to produce human and/or android bodies. It is at this point in the future where those people who are currently backing themselves up will be able to “live/exist” again. In this timeline there will be a period where us 2020 humans may have a period of downtime but have no fear future generations will have the tools and vision to spin up those of us who want to persist indefinitely again.
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All of this sounds right out of a science-fiction movie and a plot ready to be written into the next Hollywood blockbuster. But, what if I told you there was a digital model that is currently being populated with all the data consistent with what makes you, you?
Your children can have digital models that are regularly backed up from now till the end of time, your great-great-grandchildren can learn all about you from your likes to your dislikes to your favorite hobbies and bookies as a child. The future can be created now, you and your loved ones can live forever in a digital model.
Providing the Vision for Future Generations – From 2020 on, it is incumbent upon us as humans to begin to catalog and document ourselves and begin to have the conversations around:
- What does the world look like if an individual’s consciousness could persist forever?
- Is it ethical to backup individuals once they have already died and a family member wants to create a digital model for them?
- Is it acceptable to create digital models of people with characteristics that the person did not possess in their mortal life?
In addition to having these ethical discussions investors, schools, business leaders, and thought leaders should realize that this is a place that the world is going and start developing curriculum, content, and mechanisms to push this narrative into the beautiful future.
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