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OLB Group Cryptocurrency Support Expands Contactless Point of Sale Options

SecurePay™ Payment Gateway manages cryptocurrency transactions and conversions, enabling consumer choice when Google Pay®, Apple Pay® and other major wallets add direct cryptocurrency support

The OLB Group, Inc., a provider of cloud-based omnicommerce and payment acceptance solutions for small and mid-size merchants, announced its SecurePay payment gateway is now supporting transactions conducted through major wallets that incorporate cryptocurrency as a funding source. Cryptocurrency wallets can be used directly at any point of sale (PoS) utilizing OLB’s OmniSoft cloud-based business services platform solutions. In addition, general-purpose wallet services—including Apple Pay and Google Pay—can be used to effortlessly and securely make purchases at any PoS serviced by OLB’s SecurePay gateway.

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SecurePay integrations with Apple Pay and Google Pay streamline transaction processing at the gateway for any funding source. When a consumer selects a cryptocurrency source in the payment app, the transaction is processed without additional steps or action by the consumer or merchant.

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SecurePay supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC and DAI, across all merchant platforms. Through this capability, the gateway provides merchants with the opportunity to accept alternative payment sources, alongside traditional card-based payments, without any equipment changes or investment.

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“One of the primary benefits of supporting cryptocurrencies at the payment gateway and point of sale is the flexibility it affords consumers,” explained Ronny Yakov, OLB’s chief executive officer. “As more consumers become comfortable with cryptocurrency payments, it is vital that merchants support these transactions to remain competitive in the online marketplace. We have developed a solution that is easy for merchants to implement and provides the high degree of security and efficiency that consumers expect online. We anticipate that our cryptocurrency payment acceptance features will become increasingly popular as the year progresses.”

Merchants using the SecurePay gateway are paid in U.S. dollars and enjoy r******** transactions secured by blockchain technology without the need to invest directly in digital currencies. SecurePay supports mobile, tablet, and cloud-based payment solutions and can be integrated into the merchant’s current payment ecosystem to facilitate cryptocurrency payment acceptance.

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