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DLH to Continue Providing Enterprise Integration and Cyber-Hardening for the Naval Information Warfare Center, Atlantic

DLH Holdings Corp. a leading provider of systems engineering and integration, digital transformation, and science research and development solutions to federal agencies, announced that its subsidiary Grove Resource Solutions LLC (“GRSi”) has been awarded a contract to continue and expand its support for Enterprise Staging and Delivery (“ES&D”) for the Naval Information Warfare Center (“NIWC”) Atlantic. NIWC Atlantic is a Department of the Navy organization dedicated to delivering secure, integrated, and innovative technical solutions to naval, joint and national agencies across the globe.

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The contract includes a base period of one year with four one-year options, with a total value of $14.6 million. The Company will provide end-to-end processing of information systems including cybersecurity hardening, adherence to procurement specifications, IT imaging management, and supply chain management. In addition, DLH will leverage intelligent logistics methods and tools to assist in capacity and throughput planning, operation of the ES&D facility itself, and full-spectrum asset tracking modernization of government systems.

“We are proud to continue our support for NIWC Atlantic and ES&D’s contribution to national security,” said Kelly Baldwin, President of DLH’s National Security Programs business unit. “This contract underscores our commitment to providing state-of-the-art solutions for our clients, ensuring they have the most reliable, secure, and compliant IT hardware and software to support the warfighter.”

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“This work leverages DLH’s innovative solutions and technical capabilities in service of our nation’s forces,” said Zach Parker, DLH President & CEO. “We are honored for this opportunity to broaden our partnership with the Navy and remain committed to providing the advanced processes required to ensure it can carry out its vital mission.”

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 [To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com] 

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