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Medallia and Ipsos Give Healthcare Providers HCAHPS Solution and Complete Understanding of Patient Experience

Patient experience platform combined with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) certification to administer HCAHPS provides real-time patient insights that drive intelligent action for improved patient satisfaction and outcomes

Medallia, Inc., the global leader in experience management, today announced Medallia Total Healthcare Experience, powered by Ipsos, a new solution for healthcare systems combining Medallia Experience Cloud with Ipsos’ ability to administer most Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems – a set of surveys that ask patients to report on their health care experiences – (CAHPS) surveys including HCAHPS. The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey was the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care. The Medallia and Ipsos combination enables providers to capture rich patient experience signals with video, audio, and text across the entire patient journey while also satisfying CMS requirements.

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“The COVID Pandemic has accelerated fundamental change in healthcare, patient experience and telehealth. The combination of Medallia and Ipsos gives providers essential insights into patient sentiment and satisfaction,” said Leslie Stretch, chief executive officer for Medallia.

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Armed with real-time patient insights, healthcare providers have the power to identify and address issues along the patient journey, such as digital experiences, telehealth technologies, and in-facility issues such as long wait times. Real-time patient feedback is also valuable in identifying and addressing clinical process challenges which results in improved patient and business outcomes.

“Ipsos has a decades-long CAHPS and healthcare consultancy practice and we are looking forward to working with Medallia to bring our combined capabilities to healthcare systems,” said Katie Joyce, Executive Vice President for Ipsos.

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