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The Influencers Embracing the Frugality Trends and Pushing a Zero-Waste Future

When you think of sustainability, influencers aren’t necessarily the first thing to come to mind – traditionally speaking, anyway.

Now, however, we live in a world where a sustainable, zero-waste culture is at the very fore, and influencers are taking the lead.

Over the years, social media influencers have made quite the name for themselves in a number of industries. From beauty and fashion to health, fitness and gaming, influencers are now making their mark in the realms of sustainability.

Whether they’ve launched their very own eco-friendly brands, have altered their lifestyle or are making changes to promote sustainability, social media influencers are leading the way, driving social change and environmental impact upon their consumers.

I will explain the low down on the influencers embracing the frugality trend, pushing a zero-waste future – just in time for World Environment Day.

Realizing the impact and influential power they have over consumers in the most positive of ways, they have begun to use their platforms for the greater good.

And something that seems to be on the constant minds of both the consumer and the influencer is the state of our planet and the changes we can collectively make to better our environment. So, here are a few influencers that are leading the way to make significant changes.

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Travel Mad Mum

Having risen to fame as an inspiration to mothers, parents and families, Karen, of Travel Mad Mum, is well established in the world of parenting and travel influencers.

Whilst travel may not seem all that eco-conscious (and it isn’t), Karen and her family have recently renovated an RV, and are now living in that as opposed to their former family home. And by moving out of their house, the Travel Mad family are reducing their carbon footprint by limiting the number of emissions they release.

So, whilst they are traveling around in a car, they aren’t releasing emissions that would otherwise be caused by plane travel, or those released from centralized heating systems at home.

Travel Mad Mum often feeds her family vegan and meat-free alternatives, continuing their positive contribution to the environment.

It’s almost impossible for everybody to be entirely sustainable, however, it is the small but often changes that add up and make a difference – and this is exactly the ethos that Karen demonstrates to her followers.

Sustainable and eco-conscious, but in the most relatable and realistic way.

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Stacey Solomon

Now, sustainability isn’t exactly what comes to mind when you think of the ‘Queen of Tap to Tidy’ on Instagram. However, when you dig a little deeper, Stacey Solomon is also Queen of recycling, reusability and of course, crafts.

Whilst many homeowners would choose to hit the high streets to find the latest additions to their home décor, Stacey delves into her ‘junk trunk’ to see what she can clean up, reuse and upcycle. Not only does this cost nothing, but it promotes a circular economy, too.

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Many would throw out old bottles, boxes and tubs, however, Stacey keeps them, cleans them and gives them a second lease of life – of which is far better than simply popping them in the recycling bin.

Whether it’s getting her DIY on and upcycling old furniture, creating vases out of old fabric softener bottles or simply crafting with her boys, Stacey is positively impacting the environment in more ways than one.

Steph Elswood

Also known online as Healthy Chef Steph, Steph Elswood is renowned across various sectors, including food, health and fitness.

Passionate about healthy and nutritious foods, as well as staying active, Steph is even more passionate about sustainability. So much so, that she launched her own range of sustainable products, all of which are ethically sourced and made.

From reusable food pouches, bamboo cutlery and silicone baking tools, Sasstainable aims to encourage everyone to make small, yet impactful changes.

As well as this, Steph’s Instagram feed is filled with plant-based recipes and vegan alternatives, all of which also helps to reduce a person’s individual environmental impact.

Niomi Smart

Now, when you think of sustainability, Niomi Smart will probably come to mind. For years, Niomi has followed a vegan and eco-friendly lifestyle, and more recently, she launched her very own sustainable skincare range.

Smart Skin combines Niomi’s passions for beauty and wellness with her mission for doing better by our planet.

Over the years, Niomi has created content centred around sustainability. From renting your wardrobe to showcasing how to life consciously, Niomi Smart is a front runner in the realm of sustainable influencers.

Ruth Marsden

Formally known online as Bright Mama, Ruth Marden describes herself as ‘learning to live slowly and sustainably’ and is the founder of bettercup, an eco-friendly menstrual cup.

Also donating a cup to someone in need for every cup sold, bettercup is just a steppingstone in Ruth’s journey to positively impact the environment.

On a journey to make her family, home and lifestyle more sustainable, Ruth is changing up her daily habits and products for eco-friendly alternatives.

Also sharing her favorite ways to enjoy fashion in an ethical and sustainable way, Ruth is a big believer in shopping vintage and second-hand in a bid to reduce her individual impact on the planet.

Sustainability is now front and center of all our lives, so it is important for us to tackle it head-on, making small yet impactful changes, which is something all of these sustainable influencers are encouraging us to do.

And I believe we are beginning to see a brand-new wave of influencers, focusing less on the materialistic things in life, but the things that really matter, like our planet.

[To share your insights, please write to us at sghosh@martechseries.com]

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