Shutterstock Announces Unlimited Music Subscription and New Features
Content creators now have access to a range of track lengths as well as flexibility to license as needs arise
Shutterstock, Inc., a leading global technology company offering a creative platform for high-quality content, tools and services, announced the launch of an unlimited monthly subscription for Shutterstock Music. The new plan is geared toward digital content creators, including YouTubers, podcast producers, and social media managers, offering a cost-efficient solution to licensing unlimited high-quality tracks at $149 per month.
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Additionally, to meet the needs of short-form content projects, Shutterstock Music now offers shorter tracks for all license plans. Creating content for digital and social media channels requires tighter budgets, shorter timelines, and attention-grabbing messaging. Shorts, or shortened versions of a song (15, 30, and 60 seconds in length), and loops, a segment of a longer song that repeats indefinitely, are now available with every license purchased at no additional cost, enabling users to save time on edits after purchase.
With over 11,000 tracks, the Shutterstock Music library includes world-class music curated by professional musicians. The platform offers powerful filtering tools that allow users to search by genre, mood, popularity, among others. With hundreds of tracks added every month, the content is always fresh and Shutterstock Music publishes curated playlists of popular genres and regions. All Shutterstock music tracks are royalty-free and the standard license covers web-based and business usage, including conference presentations and trade-show booths.
“Today’s creatives are often working across multiple channels to create content for various projects and audiences. We launched the music subscription to make their lives much easier,” said Christopher Cosentino, VP of Product at Shutterstock. “Whether creating a social video, a conference presentation or a podcast, our new unlimited licensing option empowers creators to license music as their needs arise and frees them to focus on the creative vision rather than worrying about budget.”
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