Gorilla Technology Partners with Airship to Deliver Intelligent Video Analytics for Video Management Solutions
Integrated IVAR/VMS Solution for Smart Video Surveillance and Asset Protection
Gorilla Technology, a global provider of video intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, today announced it is partnering with leading video management solutions (VMS) provider, Airship. As part of the agreement, Gorilla Technology will integrate its Intelligent Video Analytics Recorder (IVAR) with Airship’s VMS to create an all-in-one video intelligence management solution. From design to ongoing support, Gorilla Technology and Airship will leverage key product synergies to ensure fast, simple deployment for commercial, retail and even residential property to deliver smarter video surveillance for asset protection and operational efficiency.
Gorilla Tech partners with Airship to create all-in-one video intelligence solution to deliver smarter surveillance
Smart video surveillance and asset protection is of increasing importance. This is particularly true since the nascent, widespread adoption of connected devices and IoT. According to IHS1 forecasts, the IoT market will grow to an installed base of 75.4 billion by 2025. Meanwhile, analysts predict security and surveillance applications in government, inventory and warehouse management applications in retail and industrial asset management in primary manufacturing will be the biggest drivers of IoT growth2.
Dr. Spincer Koh, CEO of Gorilla Technology said, “Our partnership is good news for customers looking for VMS with advanced video analytics capabilities, particularly companies operating in the security industry with IP camera, NVR, VMS and SI. The strength of Gorilla’s technology makes IVAR the ideal companion solution for VMS/video surveillance systems. Increased market demand for video analytics makes our partnership particularly timely, and Gorilla’s proven track record has enabled our customers to realize radical improvements in safety, as well as optimize facilities and workflows for enhanced efficiencies and security.”
Airship’s video management system is capable of scaling to major global deployment requirements through to individual site physical security solutions for commercial and government critical infrastructure facilities. Airship’s easy-to-use, open-platform system offers analytics, POS, IP cameras, virtual matrix, health monitoring, archival systems and more.
Airship’s strong presence in the security vertical – with marquis customers including DHS, NIH and top Fortune 500 company, FedEx, selecting Airship as their VMS provider – ensures the partnership will create synergies that deliver wholly integrated deep-data solutions with VMS capabilities exceeding current-generation solutions. In addition to enhanced security, the integration of advanced AI and machine learning will enable significant improvements in efficiency, monetization and personalization.
“Three key challenges long facing smart video surveillance and asset protection systems are the acquisition of information at multiple scales; interpreting the automatic analysis of data to detect events of interest and identify trends; and how to use these techniques to build large-scale deployable systems,” Paul Allen, VP of Sales of Airship stated. “Our partnership with Gorilla Technology not only allows us to quickly resolve these issues, but it enables us to tap into a rapidly growing video IoT market. The nature of our integrated joint solutions makes them future-proof, scalable and easily integrated into any customer’s unique HW/SW infrastructure.”
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