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DeHealth Introduces Decentralized Metaverse to Revolutionize Healthcare Services

A British non-profit organization, DeHealth has announced the start of the creation of a Decentralized Metaverse. Decentralized Metaverse could change the healthcare industry forever. It will take millions of doctors and patients to a new world where they can work, interact with each other in full 3D format and earn virtual assets by selling their anonymized medical data. The DeHealth Metaverse will be an extension of the VR, AR, and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies.

The HLT (health) token will become the main mean of settlement within the ecosystem that will power it from the inside.

The DeHealth Metaverse will allow several participants, for instance, a doctor and a patient, to communicate via one virtual space, assimilating the real-world situation.

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The user’s ability to transfer their digital identity (avatar), including all medical data collected through other digital platforms, into the new virtual world without problems will be critical to the success of the DeHealth metaverse.

Anna Bondarenko, the Co-Founder DeHealth commented: “Our goal is to provide people with the most advanced technologies to preserve their health so that every person in the world, regardless of the place of residence, social status, and financial capabilities, can control their health and life. The future of healthcare lies not in treatment but the prevention of diseases. Our AI will notice the slightest deviations from the human norm and warn about it. Thanks to HLT, each person in the metaverse can sell their impersonal medical information with their own hands.”

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Denys Tsvaig, the Co-Founder of DeHealth, commented: “To implement our metaverse, we will use a new technological stack: the Hospital OS digital platform, the blockchain network (cryptoeconomics of the HLT Network), fundamentally different AR / VR devices, electronic clothing, 5G communication networks, quantum computing & communications, cybersecurity, data storage chips using synthetic biology and so much more. The metaverse may require a new programming model that resembles a living and open developing platform, where millions of users seamlessly move from one world to another using the avatar of themselves.”

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The DeHealth metaverse will be supported by a wide range of devices – from smartphones and PCs to mixed types of headsets.

Holders of HTL tokens will become the first investors and leaders of the new trend in healthcare.

A preliminary version of the metaverse will be available in late 2022. It will open up access to 3 million Hospital OS users, DeHealth said.

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