Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Sensor Gives Cleaner Design to New OnePlus 7T Pro 5G Phone
Notch-Less Design Made Possible by Virtual Proximity Sensor for New 5g Phone
Today’s much-anticipated London roll out of the new OnePlus 7T Pro 5G once again presents a device with Elliptic Labs’ INNER BEAUTY AI Virtual Proximity Sensor as the source of its significantly cleaner, full-screen, notch-less design in a 5G model. INNER BEAUTY was recently used by OnePlus in its 7T device as well, which was unveiled last month in India. Elliptic Labs had previously announced both contract wins but is only now making details available.
Clean, sophisticated design in @OnePlus7TPro 5G phone thanks to @EllipticLabs INNER BEAUTY AI Virtual Proximity Sensor – @OnePlus7TPro 5G launched today in London #virtualsensor #AI #smartphone #china #london
Elliptic Labs’ INNER BEAUTY AI Virtual Proximity Sensor uses sophisticated software to detect user proximity, eliminating the need for traditional hardware sensors while simultaneously enhancing design and advancing sensor capabilities. Software-only virtual proximity sensors free up hardware space and function without needing bezels, notches, or holes. Shenzhen-based manufacturer OnePlus is the latest in a line of major smartphone manufacturers using Elliptic Labs’ technology to produce competitive, forward-looking flagship phones.
“In addition to improving the look of phones like the new OnePlus 7T Pro, which now supports 5G, our virtual smart sensors are also capable of providing gesture recognition and presence detection features to OEMs and IoT markets,” said Laila Danielsen, CEO of Elliptic Labs.
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